Saturday, June 10, 2006

In summer...

...there are endless possibilities of what you can do. I love how you can spend all day outside and still not get bored of it! Yesterday was one of the first real hot summer days, so we took Evan downstairs to our newly planted backyard! We put up his pool and brought a bunch of other toys along. He loves pushing around his big trucks, so they had to be down there with us. Not only was it the first swim of the season, Evan also had his first ice popsicle yesterday. The first one that counts anyways. We tried to give him ice cream cones before, but the idea of licking it and not biting it seemed just a bit too abstract for him. I totally understand! But yesterday he got the idea, probably because it had a non-ice-cream topping. I took a bunch of pictures of the little guy hard at work and decided to try using a photo album in order to show you some of them. They are a bit different than what I usual do. They are bold and bright, but I love them! The focus is not on Evan solely. I like it better that way. By seeing the surroundings as well you kind of get a feel of what was going on. We all had such a blast out there yesterday! Today we actually went and got sand for the sandbox. It came out great. I'll make sure to post some pictures of it next time as well. He loves having the sand available, especially to put it into containers and take it around the backyard. His favorite place to dump it into so far is the pool! I guess that's one way to simulate a nice beach vacation...! Anyways, the photo album is here. Have fun!


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