Friday, May 19, 2006

No internet!

Our dsl router broke, so we have been without the internet for the last four days or so. We are working on fixing it, but it could take up to two weeks!! I can't believe how much the computer, including surfing the www, has taken over my life. I guess that's the way it is though if your hobby is digital photography AND digital scrapbooking. What a luck my dear husband also is a computer geek...! Now just to make sure we won't teach Evan the wrong values! Luckily we both love the outdoors too, and usually don't have a hard time deciding between going out to play with our little boy or staying at home so that the computers are available for either of us. Making memories just beats organizing memories that have already been made, even if it is in a fun way like it is with digital scrapbooking.

Anyways, I made it through round two at the Ultimate Digiscrapper Contest and have just posted my layout for the third challenge. The challenge was to use at least three pictures and have 40% of the layout be journaling. I thought it would be an easy one to do since I use many pictures most of the time. But it wasn't! This challenge proofed to be the toughest one yet. In the end I am very happy with the way the layout came out. If you're interested in seeing it, go here. I haven't even had a chance to check out any of the other layouts entering the contest. I am dying of curiosity! I will go and have a look as soon as this is posted.

As to how our little boy is doing? He woke crying the other night, and had some fever in the morning. It turned out to be a virus that also made him have a sniffy nose and a little cough. It seems he is already back to normal though. We were so amazed at how well he did at the doctors' office. He loves the waiting room and would be there for hours if we let him. He does not like being examined however, but who would if the guy examining him is poking him with needles half the time, right!?! He used to start crying the moment the doctor got ready to look at him, but not this time. You could see that he wanted to, and that it was so very hard for him not to, but he did NOT cry in the end. We're not sure what brought it on but we are most certainly very proud of him! Such a brave little man! We love that guy to pieces!

Have a great day!


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