Monday, May 22, 2006

That's it for me!

Well, I didn't make it to the next round at the Ultimate Digiscrapper Contest! I had a feeling about it, like I knew I wouldn't. Too bad, it was really a lot of fun! I wonder if they make this an annual thing, that'd be so cool! I am happy I made it to the last one hundred though. I am curious to see who will be the Ultimate Digiscrapper! Two more weeks to go!

Here are some layouts I made a couple of weeks ago that I wanted to post for everybody to see! Just gotta love white space! Evan is such a cutie! I don't know how I will ever manage to scrapbook all of these precious pics of my little guy. I'll probably still be busy twenty years from now. Anyways, here they are:

{i want}

Journaling reads:

Evan, you are such a cutie! We spent the afternoon downstairs building a fence to protect the new lawn from being dug up by Lady. When it was time for the afternoon snack I took out a fruit bar and called you over. The moment you saw it in my hands I had your full attention! I couldn't resist but take those pictures while you, poor hungry little guy, had to wait for me to finish up. You had been signing "i want" or "more" for a few months now but neither your dad nor I ever get bored of seeing you do it. You have the sweetest, cutest look on your little face when you want us to give you something or open something up for you. You are simply irresistable!

Fonts used in this layout: sloneczko (bees), TopSecret, undertypewriter, Times New Roman; dirt splotches are undertypewriter

sixteen months
Journaling reads:

You love to have us sing the song "Morgens hüpft der Riese..." and know all the appropriate moves to it. You can climb into your highchair by yourself, but you end up sitting backwards. You like playing with your baby doll. You can almost run (jog). You are starting to talk more - "mm" for moon and a cows moo-ing, "heiß" and "bye daddy" are the newest additions to your ever increasing vocabulary. You give the best hugs and kisses! You love playing in the car, especially with the blinkers. You can stack four blocks and you manage to connect the train tracks from your wooden train set all by yourself. Your favorite book is "Am Flughafen". When you hurt yourself, you tell us a big story about what happened using gestures and your best attempt at talking! You sleep for a solid three hours on your only nap during the day! You like push-toys (stroller, big dump trucks, hippo). You can steer the bobby car.

Fonts used in this layout: Verdana, Tempus Sans ITC. Date stamp by me (font used for date stamp: TopSecret)

Have fun!


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