Tuesday, May 30, 2006


On Sunday afternoon we went to the Wildpark in Pforzheim. We met up with Evan's grandparents Ilona and Thomas, and his cousins Milo and Silas and their parents. Milo is 2.5years old now. Evan had a good time, like always. Milo always gets so very excited about Evan. He calls him "Ebae..", or something that sounds like that. After he had lost sight of him on the playground once, he started yelling for him at the top of his lungs! It was so funny seeing him stand there in the middle of the playground, turning in circles trying to spot Evan, all the while yelling: "Ebae..", "Eeebaaeee..."! The two of them always play together so nicely. For example, Milo will wait all patiently for Evan to fill up the bucket with sand. Since Evan is one year younger than Milo, he needs much longer to accomplish such a thing. Milo also always tries to hug Evan, but Evan doesn't really know what to do with this yet.

The goats at the petting zone scared Evan at first, but after Charles showed him how to pet them, he tried to pet every single goat there. He was not at all interested in feeding them though. He kind of wanted to, but pulled his hand back way before they would even come close.

On the way back to the car he started being all silly, they way he sometimes is when he is enjoying himself a lot. He will run wildly all over the place, making the funiest of sounds, doing the silliest of things. It was during that phase that his grandparents picked him up and let him swing through the air (we call the game "Flieg, Engele, flieg" in German). He so loved it! He would giggle and giggle and insist on being flown some more! It was a fun trip! We love going out with him and letting him walk around all independantly! I think what makes this such a wonderful age is how much of a little boy you can already see in him, mixed with all the innocence of the babyhood still lingering...! It was a great day. We love the outdoors! Giving Evan the chance to play and grow up with his cousins is something I will definitely be missing when we live in America. As much fun as being able to live in two different countries is, it is also difficult. We are drawn to both countries, like them both a lot. Moving away from one place means to be leaving so much behind every time, plus it simply costs a lot! But we wouldn't be doing it if we didn't want to. After all, we do want Evan to grow up with both cultures. We just have to make sure that he'll feel at home at at least one of the two by the time he's all grown up. We love the change, and are welcoming it!

And here is one more layout I made the other day.
Silly Boy
Journaling reads:

You have always loved the cat beds. Even before you could walk you would find one and drag it around the house. You are such a silly boy!

Credits: Shabby Princess' Silly Boy: NutNut kit. Fonts used in this layout: Matisse ITC, La Bamba LET, FG Astrid. Frames are by my dh!

Black border is only for display purposes.

Have fun everyone!


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