Thursday, May 25, 2006

Excerpt from Evan's diary: Thursday, May 25, 2006 - Kindorado

This afternoon we decided to try something new. Somebody we work with told us a while ago that there is an indoor playground in Karlsruhe. I wanted to look up more information online, and did so the other day. I found this webpage. The weather wasn't the best, so it seemed like the perfect day to give this a try. On a picture I had seen online it looked like they had an area specifically for toddlers. But the whole place was really toddler safe, as long as an adult was around to guide you through (which was necesarry anyways, even at the toddler area). Everything there was padded, litterally everything. That was something your dad liked a lot. The noise was insane though, after all it is indoors. Just imagine many children running and playing in a big hall. After your first shock you started being interested. We started off in the toddler area, where you, after some hesitation, started to climb around a bit. Then we went over to check out some of the cool children vehicles they offer, and found a double trike without pedals. You enjoyed sitting on it and driving around, and did really well with it. Then we went up onto the big play building. We had to climb through a dark crawling hole in order to get to the high bridge. You didn't have a problem with this, and also had a good time going over the bridge. In the middle of the big play building is a big pool of balls. We went back down before you had a chance to try it out though. There were a lot of big kids anyways, and they play wild. It'll be more fun for you to give this a try next time when it is not quite so busy.

Next we went over to the big area of trampolines. We thought you might like being there,
and you did. But so did I. I didn't expect it, but it was so much fun jumping up and down, it made me giggle. It was just so cool how easy you were able to get up so high. You were such a daring little boy. You walked onto the middle of a trampolin all by yourself and even started bouncing up and down. Just imagine, such a little guy with such short legs trying to jump up and down! Your dad and I laughed so much, and encouraged you a whole bunch. You had a blast!

After this we decided to stop by the toddler playground again and then slowly make our way out. After climbing through the tunnels one more time, you sighted a big tower
that a boy had build with big LEGOs and headed straight for it. We let you, because we try and let you work out things by yourself. We read that at parenting sites and it seemed reasonable to us. And surprisingly, so far, it has always worked. You do wonderful working things out by yourself. Sometimes you give in, sometimes you stand your ground. We never had to interfere yet because things might have gotten out of hand. We are very proud of you for how well you are handling yourself. You seem like such a considerate little man. Anyways. You were heading for the tower set on knocking it down, when the little boy of maybe ten years got in your way to protect it. You looked at him, then tried to walk around it. The boy was very determined not to let you push over his tower and got in your way again. It was such a fun sight. We sat on the ground, maybe ten or fifteen feet away, and watched you. You kept trying to get around the boy, going in circles around the tower. The boy was doing the same, except he was trying to not let you get past. You didn't really understand that the boy was just trying to protect his accomplishment. You guys continued your efforts for about two or three rounds. We had such fun watching you, it looked so goofy. You, with your determined look on your face, and the boy, with a panicky look on his. Also, consider the age difference. Oh my gosh, just thinking of it makes me laugh! After about two rounds you got frustrated because all your efforts failed, and kind of started crying. You didn't really cry, more like as if you were gonna start, but then after a cry or two, changed your mind. In the second when you cried though the boy started looking at you even more panicky, and worried. He got closer to check if you were okay, but only as long as he needed to realize that you had stopped crying and that you were okay. Then he backed up towards his tower again, making sure you wouldn't change your mind. Oh gosh, you guys were so funny. I guess the boy got worried that he might get in trouble for making a little "baby" cry. We called you over to remind you that we were still there, ready to hug you if you wanted to be hugged. You saw us and came straight over for some hugs. Then you pointed at the tower, telling us everything that happened, you know, the way you do when you get hurt. In a way you really did get hurt, just not physically. You were disappointed and frustrated. We told you that the boy was proud of his tower and that he didn't want to you to knock it over, but that we'd be building one for you just for the purpose of being knocked down. Then we tried to get you to help us pick up LEGOs for the tower. Off course you knocked it over as soon as you could. Shortly after we made our way home, it was getting late. What a fun afternoon. We can't wait to go back there. This place is perfect if you want to give your kid the chance to run and move. Love you lots, Evan! Have a good night!


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