Monday, March 26, 2007

Little artist!

I am not sure if I am completely off on this, or maybe it is because I am biased, but the fact that Evan can draw cars seems out of the ordinary to me! He has wanted us to draw cars for him for the longest time now. However two weeks ago he came over saying "Auto" (German: car) showing us his very first self drawn car. Charles and I were so very excited and told him how much we loved the car he had drawn. We asked if he could make some more for us to hang up and so he sat right back down and made two more cars. Ever since then he has been drawing cars nonstop, even with watercolor. And to top it all off, he won´t stop at cars. Every now and then he will actually draw one of the letters he knows. He will put an immense amount of effort into making sure that we know what letter it is he just drew. Some examples are "O", "E" or "P". He really is a little artist! Take a look yourself! The line that can be seen at one end of some cars is the exhaust, the dots usually are the headlights (don´t ask me how he came to that, I have no idea!), or in case of a police car, the emergency lights.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A little sunshine ...

... goes a long way! I am so done with the rainy season. I am ready for some sun! Sitting inside just gets boring after a while, especially if you don´t have a car. But during the last few weeks we actually have had the sun come out on a somewhat regular basis, so we spent as much time as possible outside. Here are some pictures of Evan playing with sidewalk chalk, and then some of him and his little friend Michael at the playground. Have fun!