Tuesday, February 06, 2007

This should have been posted in October....

... but I am late as always. Nonetheless, here is the photo album from our trip to the pumpkin patch at Bi-Zi Farms in Washington State. It was a nice day with lots of sunshine - too much sunlight if it came to taking pictures. At least some of them came out really nice though. I am so looking forward to going there again this year, more than once even. They have a huge corn maze as well as a little bale maze, a petting zoo, hay rides, huge pumpkin sling shots, a straw pyramid and of course the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins. The 6-acre corn maze by itself should be enough for one trip, and Evan always loves the tractor rides. But for now enjoy the pictures of last years visit.

This one I had also wanted to post in October. We had spent the afternoon at Charles´ aunt Carmen's house. She had the bulldozer sitting in her front yard when we first got there. Getting Evan to actually go inside the house (it was pretty cold that day) was almost impossible. Luckily they also have a little bunny that walks around their house like a cat and since Evan loves bunnies as much as bulldozers (or all things on wheels for that matter), he decided to go inside after all (only until he remembered the bulldozer though).

Have fun!

Friday, February 02, 2007

The playdough kitty...

... Evan and I made needed a food dish as well as a water dish. At least that is what Evan had decided. He also wanted the cat to have its own play dough cat bed so the kitty would have a place to rest.

Earlier this week Evan found his lacing beads. We got them to keep him busy on the flight over from Germany. He hadn't played with them in a while and so was very excited to find them the other day. He sat down and started threading the beads on to the string, then he would want me to tie the ends of the strings together and wear it as a necklace. Unfortunately most of the beads are too big for him to get the string through himself, all except one. He managed to put the string through all the triangles by himself.

Then yesterday I decided it was time to make some sugar cookies with Evan. I had been wanting to for while now and was very curious to see what Evan would think of the idea. It had been a while since the last time we made cookies together, so this was definitely new and exciting for both of us! He had fun decorating them, although most of the candy, especially the miniature m&m´s, ended up in his mouth instead of on the cookies!

I also managed to get some more scrapbooking done. I am finally starting to figure out how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements for digital scrapbooking. I used to use Jasc Paint Shop Pro for all my digital scrapbooking, so using a new program made things difficult for a while. I really don´t like having to use an unfamiliar program and so usually just avoid it. I am glad I finally got around to giving it a try though, because it really is so much easier. The layout is about a corn maze we had visited with Evan last fall while still in Germany. I used Miranda M´s "Ripe Bananas"and Dani Mogstad´s "Boo" kit.

Have a good day!