Monday, May 07, 2007

Under Construction!

That´s the name of the digital scrapbooking kit that Dani Mogstad made to compliment my picture! Last year in spring I was participating in a snapshots contest at, and I ended up being one of four winners! This is the picture I had entered for the contest:

Being a winner meant getting a gift certificate to use in her store, plus a custom designed digital scrapbooking kit for the winning snapshot. I was of course curious to see what Dani would be coming up with, and when it was finally released I couldn't believe how lucky I was! I totally love the kit! It is wonderful boyish and great to work with. I love all the elements and embellishments, and the detail work is awesome, as always with her kits. Go grab one here, you won´t regret it! Here is what the kit looks like:

Isn't it just gorgeous?!? So last week I was busy making layouts with the kit and it was sooo much fun!! Here is what I came up with:

I am not completely happy with this one yet, and will probably redo it sometime soon. At least the event has been journaled. I just think I could do better, especially since the colors of the kit match the pics perfectly.

So, as you can tell I have been busy. I usually don't get so many pages done at once but it was fun!

In other news, Evan got a very much needed haircut. He looks so handsome with his short hair, and definitely older! It took a lot of convincing, promises and distractions to get him to stay put in the chair, but in the end it worked out okay. I was kind of surprised that he was having such a hard time this time around considering the fact that his first haircut was a breeze. But now it´s done and we won´t have to worry about it for a while. Have a look!

And here is one to compare the before and after look!
As to the REALLY exciting news we have, I won´t be able to tell you quite yet. Check back in a few days and I might have an update on the blog as to what the news are! I am sorry to keep you waiting!


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